What beliefs may you holding that could be limiting how you see yourself and the world around you?

Why do you suppose that may be the case?

Every day I go for a walk. Some days it’s harder than others especially if the weather is less appealing. But, without fail, I will come across at least one thing on my walk that makes me smile…and today it was these two.

I know some people will read this and say “really?!! how is this important?!!” but for me it reminds me that I have many choices, some of which may shape my day, my week or my life.

So when i get up in the morning and it’s raining and I think “I can’t go for a walk in this!” I stop and I say “I could go for a walk in this, I just need the right coat on and I know I will find something to smile about because it’s not the rain that’s holding me back, it’s myself, so get those wellies on and live this moment”

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