What were you told you’re not?

Posted by on May 1, 2024

What were you told you’re not?

Not sporty, not careful, not academic, not quiet, not practical, not thoughtful, not funny, not handsome, not sociable, not beautiful, not deserving, not…not…not

This can equate for many a innate sense of not feeling good enough, low self worth, low self esteem, a sense of lacking or being lesser in some way, low confidence and so much pain with . Pain that can show itself in depression and anxiety, skin conditions, ruminating, flu like symptoms, constant aches and pains, headaches, sickness…in short any way the body can try to express that sense of deep sadness and - Read More

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Selective listening and the impact on relating

Posted by on February 5, 2016

Are you a selective internal listener? Always listening to the doubtful, critical sides of ourselves stops us seeing ourselves and others for who we/they are in our/their entirety. By accepting all parts of ourselves, warts and all, we promote a way of relating which can bring out the best in ourselves and others and relate in a loving accepting, non-selective way.
No one is perfect, we all make mistakes and we all do things we might regret – but love can repair and accepting that we have strengths as well as weaknesses and actively embracing those strengths brings us closer - Read More

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