New Year…New you?

Posted by on January 5, 2023

“I’ll start it in the New Year”..

It’s something we often say or hear but what does that actually mean?

“I can’t face this right now”

“I want to put this off /avoid it as long as possible”

“I don’t want to think about this”

But what if you did?

What’s stopped you up until now?

What’s stopping you now?

What is so important is to ask the questions of yourself without judgement but with curiosity instead…

You aren’t alone and sometimes it’s just so hard or frightening or worrying or confusing to follow through with what we feel might change our lives for the better.

Give yourself a moment - Read More

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Why did I just do that?!

Posted by on February 6, 2016

“Behaviour is the product of relational experiences” Margot Sutherland.
In addressing behaviour we need to understand what is trying to be communicated. Sometimes we find ourselves acting or saying something and wondering why did i  just say/do that?! Behaviour expresses a part of our inner world. It communicates a part of us we may or may not be aware of and draws on our experienced expectations …of self and other.

In understanding our behaviour we need to ask why we are communicating and relating in this way. What result am i expecting/predicting based on my experiences from the past in relating - Read More

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